Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Metal Men

Today was about the Lungs in Chinese Medicine and what they are attached to. In Chinese Medicine the Metal element relates to the Lungs and Large Intestine. Although seemingly very different the Lung and Large Intestine are connected through various functions and provide balance to each other.

All my patients today were men. They were dealing with common colds, grief, insomnia, headaches and muscle tension.

Cold Weather Treatments

As the air in the bay area finally starts to cool down, I am yet to see coldness in pulses or yang deficiency. However, the pulses are getting deeper and people who are dealing with blood deficiency have many physical manifestations. Wind invasions are entering their bodies, or muscles ache more, fatigue, headaches after a long work week and even hair loss are starting.

To nourish your blood in Chinese Medicine there is much work to do before being diagnosed as anemic.

Bone broth - partially the warmth of soup and bone broth can be deeply beneficial, but bone broth absorbs many of the nutrients that are carried in the bones and marrow of animals. This is one of the most nourishing foods and can be eaten medicinally as two dosages per day. It can me added to stir fries, soups and roasts.

Dark Green Veggies - dark green veggies carry iron and nutrients that help nourish the blood in Chinese Medicine.

Nettle Tea - nettles are a western herb that are a simple and great blood builder

Goji Berries - Very strengthening for the organs of the Liver and Kidney in Chinese Medicine. They can be great for blurry vision, anemia, dizziness or tinnitus. They can also help early graying of hair, sore back, painful knees. Long term dry cough. They are great to add to oatmeal, or add into tea that you brew for a long time.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall crisp

With the sudden change of weather there is a chill in the air to match. As the nights begin earlier our bodies natural rhythm is to be inside and rest more. It's a great time for rejuvenating acupuncture. This does not mean that acupuncture will bring instant energy and immunity. It means it will support your body's natural rhythms of the season to help you sleep when your body wants to sleep to have energy for the shorter days.

Energetically the qi is not as surface as it was even a week ago. I tend to needle deeper and use heat lamps and warming techniques to treat patients. 

Time to eat more cooked food and use delicious warming spices to aid in digestion and seasonal health.

Are great additions this time.